Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April 20, 2011

Lao Tzu famous motivational quote, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step" has provided inspiration to millions starting out on new endeavors. I however, have it listed at #2 on my"Top 100 Easier said Than Done, list". Seriously, why do you have to make it all sound so easy Lao?!  ; ) I still have yet to learn your secret.

Despite this long list of cons, doubts, fears and mixed emotions, I'm pushing on! This ship has sailed! My "journey" through uncharted waters towards undiscovered land, has made way! A very exciting exploration at hand...

So here you have it Lao, my beginning"words", my first step towards living the dream as an inspirational/creative/non-fiction, (not sure what to call it yet...hope to be Author) writing career....                              
                                          BON VOYAGE !!